Another day in paradise...woke up so early today.. I'd planned to go snorkeling again in the morning 9:30 session.. Never give up to see dolphins... finished shower... but not enough time to have breakfast so I decided to go straight away without having breakfast...
Not quite long this time speed boats come.. this time I walked in front and get myself a best view eventhough I lost my contact lens yesterday.. couldn't see things clearly but still hope to see dolphins today..

The speed boat took me to different location today.. I wasn't nervous anymore getting into water this time.. coz just thinking about dolphins.. Coral today was the same.. dead... white like cement.. I tried not to swim into dead coral just afraid it could cut me.. but I can say that snorkeling today was more excited than yesterday.. coz it look like cliff of coral.. when looking underwater it's very scary to look further away into the deep blue water into the darkness.. so I tried to swim around the cliff and tried not to let the current took me too far away.. this time more fish.. I guess it b coz of some bread a guy nearby gave me to feed fish.. many fish came.. too close.. looks like it'd bite my nose, very interesting to be near by cliff of coral.. saw many long neon blue fish.. swimming in line long quing together look so nice.. noticed one mad fish.. so aggressive chasing other fish away... no other fish can get near its territory.. finally time out for snorkeling.. no dolphins.. today.. bad luck.. but still nice to snorkeling today..

Back to my room around lunch time... Joe's in the room watching TV, waiting for me to go for lunch together.. After finish lunch, Joe resisted to check the price at spa.. but so bad the courses were all book out.. then I told Joe that we should walk to another direction that we've never been, just wanna know what it will look like.. Wow.. we realized that we just found beautiful secret beach.. no one here.. no one knows.. most people walked to another side of island but not here.. so nice.. no seaweed... truely beautiful.. walking into beautiful beach.. feeling sand through my toes.. very nice feeling.. get myself into warm water.. then we split, Joe decided to get back to take a nap before our sailing booked at 4 o'clock afternoon.. and I went for swimming at swimming pool..
Nearly 4 o'clock we walked to watersports center, to check for our sailing schedule then we met 2 french guys there, and they invited us to join dinner at 8:45. Sailing was nice... fun.. Joe did control the wind very well.. I just only put my feet into water.. nice..
Almost reach the time that sun goes down.. we decided to stop sailing.. and walk to the port to see sunset for today.. nice relaxing view.. taking pictures till the sun goes down.. then we went back to room shower and get ready for dinner..

Joe and I decided to get something to eat a bit before meeting the guy for dinner.. and if I can remember it right I had almost a bottle of wine before the meeting.. at around 8:35 we walked out and waiting at the meeting point. So many people joined dinner not only us, there we met Khun Ploy again, a cute Thai staff, she told us that everybody will had dinner together and play games. eh? play games? anyway... they devided guests into 2 groups French speaking and English speaking.. so surprise to see a big group of french people sitting other side of the room. Dinner start... Joe and I were sitting next to Khun Ploy and a just married couple, they said they're from some country below Italy.. good looking couple actually.. the gal's nice sexy good shape just turned 24, guy's good manner with full sense of humor no wonder why he has pretty wife.. after finish food, wine, games, Joe and I went to swim.. then Joe went back to sleep.. and I joined Khun Ploy helping her work playing game with guests.. there are many groups of guest, each group had to smell to guess liquid in the 5 containers, each container filled with different drink which are vodka, rum, taquila, gin, water. So surprise that Japanese girl group can guess all correct just to smell each container.. wow they're expert.. after all games done, Khun Ploy had to clear the area and I was so tired so I get back to sleep..
Thank you Brenka for interesting story and photos Maldives :)
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